Alternatives to New Year’s Resolutions

Are you someone who makes resolutions but by day 3, you’re kind of over it? You’re not alone! 

New Year’s resolutions usually try to get us to stop avoiding something dreadful we have been avoiding for days, months, years, maybe even decades; to stop doing something we enjoy; or to start doing something that isn’t natural or authentic for us to do anyways!

Think of: cleaning out that one closet, cutting down on the sweets, and journalling every night before bed. Sounds fun? Not always.

These behaviours probably aren’t sustainable, probably aren’t enjoyable, and are likely to fall through very quickly (if you’re one of the lucky ones who sticks to it, congratulations!).

For the rest of us, try using NYE for reflection, curiosity, and creativity to find the activities that bring you calmness or pleasure, even if it’s for just one day!

January brings forth remembrance, self-reflection, and gratitude of the passing year. Going into the new year, consider the following:

  • Post your favourite photos of the year

  • Start a 30 day challenge

  • Create a look forward to list

  • Choose a word of the year

  • Start a reading challenge

  • Start a photo challenge

  • Beat your personal best

  • Write a letter to your future self

  • Create a bucket list

  • Make a memory box of the year


am i triggered or am i uncomfortable?


Sitting With Ourselves